2021 Greenland Trip Gifting Tree!!

Dr. Zoolittle is all excited to experience flora and fauna of Greenland on his adventurous trip. Come and join this slide to have unlimited fun!!

BOGO returns for Greenland Trip Gifting Tree! Send your Zoomates any of the 7 Ultra Rare animals and get one for yourself, FREE!

Remember each eligible BOGO animal will have the sticker next to it. The first 3 listed Rare animals do not apply for BOGO.

After sending your Ultra Rare gift, check your storage to see your free item! Any additional animals of the same will go to your count!

Be sure to check out Greenland Trip Gifting Tree Ultra Rare animals animating below:

Drowsy Belted kingfisher:            Grazing Arctic hare pair:


Dovekie pair :                        Surprised Barren ground caribou :




Calling Greenland wolf pair:   Playful Sea canary pair:     Lazing Greenland seal


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